Girl with rainbow fan and video tutorial

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Here an idea to work on the color wheel and the color theory with watercolors. A fan with the colors of the rainbow held by an elegant Japanese girl in a traditional gown. This painting is made using just the three primary colors and the color black.

Here below the video tutorial, you can find on my YouTube channel, Miriam Paternoster. In this video you can follow all the steps to create this painting.

First, we drew the fan with a compass and a pencil, taking some measures on the drawing sheet (watch the video for the measures, the drawing paper in the video measures 24x33cm). After that, we drew the gown with the covered hand and the shoulders. Subsequently, we drew the head with eyes, eyebrows, and hair.

We divided the fan into 12 wedges, tracing freehand lines, and then we traced every line of the drawing with a black permanent marker.

In order to paint the fan, we used just the three primary colors, yellow, red, and blue. Then we mixed them to obtain the secondary and the tertiary colors.

Every student painted the gown with their favorite color, decorating the surface with dots of a light color.

For the background we drew seven wavy lines and painted them with a scale of greys, starting on the bottom from the darker color and diluting the black to obtain lighter colors, in a value scale from black to white.

For the background, we drew seven wavy lines and painted them with a scale of grays. We started on the bottom from the darker color diluting the black to obtain lighter colors, in a value scale from black to white.

Here are the finished paintings!


Character inspired by Dubuffet

Collage inspired by Carla Accardi


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