Acrylic Painting

Murals for our School

Throughout the 2023-24 school year, students worked to create a large mural on the walls of our school. From this year we are organized into … Read more

Rainbow fish

To paint this rainbow fish we only used the primary colors as in the construction of the color wheel. First we drew a fish on … Read more

Rainbow Chameleon

This activity helps us to practice mixing primary colors to obtain secondary and tertiary colors. with students of 6th Grade we studied the color wheel … Read more

Nocturnal landscape

This romantic nocturnal landscape created by 7th grade students, has been painted with tempera paint with a final touch in watercolor. Despite the sophisticated final … Read more

Value Cubes

After a lesson about Value as one of the  Element of Art, we painted these cubes with 7th Grade students . We used a template … Read more