Drawings, Music, Emotions: collaborative project

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Matching drawings, music, and emotions is a fascinating experience, which helps to express yourself and your own feeling. Is not possible to fail or to make mistakes, and the experience has always a liberating effect. With Grade 8th students we experienced how the music can create emotions that we can turn out in drawings. We worked in groups of four on a large drawing sheet, sharing the same drawing. Here we are the steps we have followed:

  1. A draw was used to create five groups of four students. Each group could use colored pencils, felt tip pens or oil pastels.
  2. Every student was seated in front of a side of the drawing sheet. The first music started and every minute, the drawing sheet was turned clockwise. The students had to complete, carry on or change, the classmate’s previous drawing.
  3. When the music was finished the group took another drawing sheet and the next music started. The activity needs silence and quiet, in order to focus on the music and feelings.
  4. At the end of the activity, all the drawings were put on a big table (or on the floor) with a white paper beside every drawing. Each student commented the drawings with a single word.
  5. From the list of words we had written to comment each drawing, we created a suitable title for the work.
  6. Eventually, we talked together about our feelings, about difficulties or fun, about mutual influences on the drawing, and about what we liked or not.

Here below some drawings and the music we used. I downloaded for free all the music we used from the website Audio Library You Tube where you can find a lot of free tracks, already matched to different kind of moods.

set-basic-emoticons-flat-design-36921033-copia-4  SADNESS


_dsc0002  _dsc0012

_dsc0093  _dsc0118

set-basic-emoticons-flat-design-36921033-copia-2 JOY


_dsc0003  _dsc0016

_dsc0080  _dsc0117

_dsc0081  _dsc0116

set-basic-emoticons-flat-design-36921033-copia ANGER



_dsc0006  _dsc0018

_dsc0007  _dsc0014

_dsc0086  _dsc0111

set-basic-emoticons-flat-design-36921033-copia-3 CALM


_dsc0009  _dsc0011

_dsc0001  _dsc0013

_dsc0089  _dsc0107

Here below you can see the moment when each students commented the drawings with a single word, in order to write the feeling and find a title for each work.

_dsc0095  _dsc0097


4 ways to draw with DOTS

I-cube: me in numbers


3 thoughts on “Drawings, Music, Emotions: collaborative project”

  1. provato negli ultimi giorni di scuola, è veramente una attività che li coinvolge e libera le loro emozioni, alla prima tavola sono tutti molto timidi e poco sciolti, quando c’è il pezzo rock tirano fuori tutta la loro rabbia!


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