Graduated frame to draw a perspective

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From two printable pdf worksheets, they are useful for drawing one-point or two-point PERSPECTIVE, using only a set square without the need for other tools for technical drawing. The sheet has a graduated frame that allows you to draw all the vertical and horizontal lines of the perspective. Once the horizon line and the vanishing point (or the two vanishing points) have been established, the perspective can be drawn using the millimeter rulers printed on the edges of the sheet.

In the images, you can see how to create some perspectives with these worksheets, both horizontally and vertically. To draw the one-point perspective just draw the horizon line, the vanishing point and the depth lines, all the vertical and horizontal lines will be facilitated by the millimeter grid. Below is a drawing of a museum dedicated to Juan Mirò with a documentary on the “giant screen”.

Here is an example of a two-point perspective, also here the drawing of the vertical and horizontal lines is facilitated by the millimeter frame.

Here are other examples: you can find the links to the corresponding articles by clicking on the picture.


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