Paul Klee Collage: 5 worksheets

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klee 4works

Five printable worksheets that reproduce some famous works by Paul Klee with one thing in common: all five paintings evoke the LANDSCAPES using the LINE as a fundamental element of the composition. In these paintings we see cities, strange forests, roads, rough water or clouds, drawn with a thin stretch.

opere klee

5klee bassa risol

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With these worksheets you can cut out and assemble parts of different pictures to create our personal landscape inspired by Paul Klee. In the examples of the photos below, the pieces of pictures have been pasted on a colored cardboard to form a landscape, and then has been colored with felt-tip pens.   _DSC2043





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Below are the wonderful works carried out by the class 4th A (4th Grade) of the Primary School of Spilimbergo (Pordenone) in Italy. The teacher Sonja Brovadan is an affectionate follower of arteascuola. Thanks to Sonja and her pupils!




unnamed  unnamed copia


A post for you: colorful bookmarks

Many lines for a leaf


7 thoughts on “Paul Klee Collage: 5 worksheets”

  1. J’ai acheté vos feuilles de travail mais je n’ai pu télécharger qu’une image de 600 x 424 ! (et encore, partiellement 🙁 )

    • Hi Francis
      Sorry for the problem, something was wrong with the upload in Sellfy.
      I’m going to send you the Worksheets about Paul Klee
      I hope you can receive all, and use it with satisfaction!
      Let me know if everything will be ok!
      All the best

    • Hi Dominique
      Sorry for the problem, something was wrong with the upload in Sellfy.
      I’m going to send you the Worksheets about Paul Klee
      I hope you can receive all, and use it with satisfaction!
      Let me know if everything will be ok!
      All the best

  2. I just paid for your worksheet and for some reason it went through 4 times and I didn’t receive anything. Could you send me the file and make sure I don’t get charged 4 times. Thank you.


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