Museum in perspective

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Would you like to visit our museum with paintings, photographs and sculptures? Here are the rooms of our art gallery, drawn in one point perspective. This work was carried out by students of the seventh grade, at the end of the course on the representation of space. After studying the rules of central perspective, we drew this museum with pencil and markers, and then we filled it with works of art cut out from magazines and old books.

I suggest you to have a look at this other great idea on the website Con Tus Manitas . The students create the museum in perspective, but the paintings in it has been drawn by them! Students chose their own favorite paintings and copied them into the frames. Thanks for the new challenge!









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Jean Dubuffet … with closed eyes!

Natural textures with colored pencils


7 thoughts on “Museum in perspective”

  1. This is fantastic and the first lesson I’ve seen this summer that inspired me to write a lesson plan for my 5th graders this summer! I’m glad I found your blog through AOE, will be checking out your other lessons and can’t wait for your presentation on the 16th of July.
    Ann Sealey

  2. Hi Miriam! I am a big fan ! My students draw a realistic gallery and fill it with drawings of the art that they create during the class term. I is a great cumulative activity!

    Wondering..are you creating art cards this year? I have never done it before and would love to give it a try!!!

    • Hi Jennifer! Nice to meet you! I really would like to see your students’ creations, have you posted them somewhere?
      I appreciate a lot your comment, I don’t know yet if I’ll create cards again. The project was led by Nic Hahn, an american art teacher who managed the whole project. I look forward to do it again because was an amazing project for my students. On my post about Artist Trading Card you can find some link at minimatisse website, one of them talking about Cards swap is
      If you find other activities around the world about art cards, please, let me know! Have a nice Summer Jennifer 🙂


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