Vases in pencil on painted background

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vasi matita su tempera

To develop the theme of still life and value, in the classes of 8th grade, we made these works in mixed media. The bottles are drawn on a separate sheet of paper with a pencil, and the shading is made in strips to facilitate the drawing of the gradations. The background is painted in acrylic paint, by using three colors mixed together in broad brushstrokes. White space of the background is used to simulate the corner of a table, where are placed the bottles, cups and vases.
The objects are cut out and pasted, according to the rule of “Placement in the space” (see lesson on Six ways to create the space and Cup-cakes inspired by Thiebaud). The final touch is to increase the three-dimensional effect, drawing the shadows in pencil on the white background.



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6 thoughts on “Vases in pencil on painted background”

    • We practice shading with different pressure of the pencils on paper, drawing the value in stripes from dark to light. Then we draw the shadows on these vases: it helps a lot shading one strip at a time, slowly progressing from dark to light.


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