Watercolor landscape inspired by Friedrich with Video Tutorial

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With 8th Grade students we studied the Romanticism and its artists. We noticed as Caspar David Friedrich often paints the silhouette of characters who admire the landscapes in front of them, like the “Wanderer above the sea of fog”. Inspired by this famous art work we painted a landscape, copying it from a picture with watercolors.

The character was copied on the painting from a photocopy with carbon paper and colored with a permanent black marker. Students chose if use the original silhouette or a more contemporary figure, with a hooded sweatshirt.

I prepared a how-to video that explains every step of the activity: you need a picture of a landscape, a drawing paper, a pencil, watercolors and water brush, carbon paper and if you like, the photocopy of the silhouette that you can buy here.

Here we are the student’s works


Random lines

Forms on watercolor background


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