Since forever in the history of art, every artist is used to copying the other artists’ work, especially the work of the ancient masters. This practice teaches to us a lot of things about the techniques, the use of colours and the personal style of the master. Therefore, to copy corresponds to learn, according to the effective idea of “learning by doing”.
Even today, in the age of the duplication of images with every kind of devices, we need to learn through the reproduction of the greatest artists.
We create these big paintings working in group of four, with 8th grade students. To create the big copies, we used a freeware named This is a program to enlarge images in order to print giant posters. Starting with a simple image file (BMP, JPEG, PNG, EMF or GIF), you can print posters any size you want, using any printer, with any paper supported by your printer.
Here’s how we copied the big printing on the cardboard in order to realize the painting. We traced the main lines of the image on the photocopies, using sheets of carbon paper between the photocopies and the cardboard.
The focus for the students was to follow as far as possible, the personal painting technique of every artist. In that way we were able to understand the style and the features in the colours and brushstrokes of every work of art. Look at these details here below, we can recognize the artist through his technique!
As sugestões de aulas são extremamente criativas e diferenciadas. Você está de parabéns. Também sou professora deArte e estou sempre procurando atividades criativase que tenham conteúdo.