Art Bloggers at Affordable Art Fair in Milan

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5 artblogger

The photographer Elena Datrino offered me a unique opportunity: to participate in a photo shooting during the ‘Affordable Art Fair in Milan, on 20 March 2015. This fair was conceived by Will Ramsay, an art dealer in London, to make contemporary art accessible and affordable to all. The aim is to show that anyone can appreciate art, can buy a work of art or become a small collector. The event was organized by the Victoria Gallery in Rome, where Elena has exposed the photos of the exhibition “Blogger’s faces”. The exhibition collects the pictures taken by Elena to different Italian bloggers. The occasion for me was to meet other art bloggers, known until yesterday only in the network, but at long last, known in person during this special meeting.

The experience of the photo shoot with the talented Elena was very funny. The photographer asked us to bring an object that characterize our site, but painted in pink, as the “symbol” color of Affordable Art Fair. To identify Arteascuola I thought about some working tools that my students use every day and the school register, joy and torment of our job! Here you can see all the pictures in the show, and there’s even a Facebook page “Blogger’s faces” here.

The art Blogger present with me were Cristian Camanzi of Artesplorando and creator of the online magazine of “Are you Art?” (Where Arteascuola also has a space!), Arianna Senore de The thin line of shadow, Catherine Stringhetta of The Art post Blog and representative of the group #artbtweets, and Silvia Andreozzi of Zebrart.




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