My name in a disc

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Every year at school we have to learn new names and new faces, so, the new pupils in the Year 7 have drawn their names on a cardboard disc and then I taken the photograph of their face with the name beside. With colored markers everyone has done its unique “signature”. The discs of cardboard come from a large firm of wines, probably are scraps of boxes that the company threw away, and I thought I’d recycle them in this way!

11set13_1       11set13_3

 10set13_2       11set013_2

cerchi nomi2       cerchi nomi3

11set013_7      11set013_8


Instructions for tiles decorated with pasta

Lego Avatar


2 thoughts on “My name in a disc”

    • Hi EM!
      of course i’ve tried with zentangle on it… I’m thinking how can I use these discs, there are so many way! The interesting thing is that I took the photographs of every child with the name-disc close to their faces… so I will not forget their names!
      Thanks for your comment


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