Polar Landscapes

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We prepared some Polars Landscapes painting with watercolors or gouache.
We used several simple techniques to create different textures in order to achieve various effects in the landscape. This exercise is inspired by the amazing blog of Gail Bartel: That artist woman. Each student tries techniques on different sheets and then the sheets shall be cut and shared to create different landscapes with collage.
We just need:
– white cardboards
– gouache paintings or watercolors
– large paintbrushes
– kitchen paper and a glass (for the sun)
– salt (for the sky effect)
– cling film  (for the ice effect)
– scissors and glue 
quickly put the color
put salt on watercolor still wet
paper towel on the bottom of a glass:
when the watercolor is still wet absorbs the color to make the sun
cling film on wet watercolor creates the effect of ice

For lessons about Arctic and Antarctic animals you can also draw some polar animals on the landscapes: NORTH POLE with white bears and igloo and SOUTH POLE with penguins and seals. You just need pencils, black marker, white paper, scissors and glue.


A special guitar

Ceramic slab boxes


16 thoughts on “Polar Landscapes”

  1. che bello! cerco sempre di rubacchiare qua e là…confesso la pigrizia di provare con le mie manine.posso usarla con i miei ragazzotti di 5ª?complimenti per il blog

  2. This is a wonderful project! However, after many attempts with the cling wrap we decided we must be doing something wrong. The effects are nothing like those in the images here, which are so beautiful…I used cling wrap on wet watercolor on watercolor paper ( as well as other papers). Can you please let me know how the effect was done successfully? My students are dying to know! Thanks!

    • Hi Kim! thanks for your message and your experience! Perhaps is there too much water in watercolors? When i did this project I did many attempt as well, so i know that is much better use a lot of color with few water and then you press the film crumpled over the color. Wait a bit that the color is dry and then remove the film. Let me know if it works! 🙂


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