How many spherical objects do surround us? For this drawing activity, I asked my students to choose an image of a spherical object to copy. These drawings are made entirely with oil pastels with different techniques. For this oil pastel drawing challenge, there were only 3 requirements: Choose a sphere-like object to create value; Use at least 2 oil pastel techniques; Add a background.
The idea is from an American Art Teacher who I follow for a while for her innovative and original activities, Jessica Hamilton. Here you can find her Instagram profile and her page on the famous website Teachers Pay Teachers Mrs Hamilton’s ART Class where you can find all her interesting suggestions.
Here below the worksheet I handout in the art class to practice the different oil pastel drawing techniques. Different effects can be obtained by blending two or more colors with light or heavy pressure, mix the colors with scumbling or stippling techniques, or with the sgraffito technique, obtained overlapping two colors and engraving the top layer.

Every student found an image with a spherical object and copied it using two or more oil pastel drawing techniques.
Here we have the finished works.