In order to understand the light and shadow on a solid, we drew the shades on a group of objects with a pencil. In this still life some students of 8° grade have also experienced shading with crossed lines (cross-hatching), showing some skill!
The background was decorated with felt-tip pens, with an abstract design where everyone has expressed freely his style. This contrast between the still life and the abstract, dynamic background emphasizes the difference between the negative space (background) and positive space (still life).

These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Jennifer!
Che meraviglia!
Ciao Emanuela! Grazie del commento, ho visto gli ultimi lavori sul tuo blog e ci sono degli ottimi spunti per nuove idee! Grazie della condivisione, keep in touch!
Thanks Snippety Gibbet! 🙂
Wonderful ideas !! thanks for your generous blog !
Hi Marie! Thanks a lot for your comment! You brighten up my day! 😉
Amo tutti i tuoi progetti, grazie per queste magnifiche idee!!