Art supplies in the style of Michael Craig-Martin

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A drawing inspired by the contemporary artist Michael Craig-Martin  is created with the art supplies we usually use in our art room. In this drawing we can work on the topics of still-life,  representation of space and composition.
To create the drawing follow these steps:

  • CHOOSE from eight to ten photocopies of ART SUPPLIES objects
  • Trace the picture on your drawing sheet with a pencil overlapping the photocopy and the drawing sheet on a window. Use tape to attach the papers on the window’s glass.
  • Overlap pictures one on another tracing the whole objects.
  • When you finish to copy the objects with pencil draw the outlines with a BLACK PERMANENT MARKER.
  • Colour just some areas of the drawing with felt-tip pens in SOLID COLOURS in the style of Micheal Craig Martin.
  • Colour the background with a solid colour.



Here you can watch a video created by Chad Brown. In his video-tutorial this great art teacher and friend shows how to do the drawing step by step. He also explain interesting facts about Michael Craig-Martin.

In another video Chad proposes a similar work. The process is more difficult because the objects are copied from real objects in a life drawing, traced on tracing paper and painted with acrylics, but this activity could be suitable for high school students.






SELFIE Artist Trading cards 2018

Landscape and emotions


21 thoughts on “Art supplies in the style of Michael Craig-Martin”

  1. Wow! These are stunning. I think I’ll try this with my grade 6 students at the start of next year. It was a great idea to concentrate on the composition and not worry about the drawing aspect by tracing the objects.

  2. Hi Greta! I´m writing from Germany and find your drawings really stunning. Is there a possibility to buy or download the photocopies of the objects.

  3. Hello Miriam, I like this idea very much an I would like to try it with my grade 5 students. Is there still a possibility to get this photocopies after such a long time?

  4. Hi! I love this as well as all your projects! You are an amazing teacher!
    I too was wondering if you have images of the objects that I could download?
    Thanks so much!!

  5. I would like the file of worksheets as well…any chance these are still available? Love this lesson! Thanks!

  6. Hi Miriam, I love this project. Would you be able to send the actual templates of the objects? That would be great. Your lessons are really helpful. Thank you!

  7. Hi Miriam, i love this project too and wonder if it is possible to send me also those nice templates of objects? That would be very nice! Thank you!

  8. What wonderful work! If you have the drawing sheets I would love copies. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and student art!


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