Final exam 2016

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Even this year I asked my students to create a personal work, inspired by the artists we’ve studied in our lessons. In the final exam is important to describe and justify the work, explaining the techniques and the procedure and the motivations of their work of art. Here we have the works  presented during the final exams: they was connected to a history of art topic,  and every student explained the topic and this connection. Great job guys!


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Landscapes with textures inspired by Karla Gerard

Warm & cool watercolor: cities on the sea


8 thoughts on “Final exam 2016”

  1. I so enjoy the challenges you provide us out here in the nether world of the internet. You are an inspired teacher and you have inspired your students. I loved their final exams. I know how hard teaching is. Thank you for your hard work. — marilyn

    Ps: Are you still teaching?

    • Hi Marilyn! Thanks for your comment! Of course I’m still teaching and this year I hope my students that are going to finish the middle school, will do new and interesting works for their final exams. I’m teaching in a Middle School in the North of Italy and I really appreciate your support! 🙂


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