So many pipes!

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tubi 4x4 orizz

With this simple drawing we put into practice the value, the theory of the shadows, and the representation of space in classes of seventh grade. The tubes are drawn with a ruler on the drawing pad. We have superimposed 4 levels of pipes, some with connecting joints on the corners. After drawing the lines with a black marker, we have colored the pipes with oil pastels, imagining a light source coming from the left. In this way on every pipe we created a value scale shaded with gradations of various colors.

The oil pastels allow the blending of one color into another and the chiaroscuro effect is very realistic. Finally we painted white space background with black tempera, to bring out the brilliance of the colors and the three dimensional effect of the shapes.
We need:
– drawing sheet
– pencil, rubber and ruler
– oil pastels
– black paint and paintbrush
4 fasi tubi






_DSC3156 2

tubi1  tubi2

tubi3  tubi4

tubi5  tubi6

tubi7  tubi8



Photographs inspired by Series Paintings of Monet

Vases strangely shaped


5 thoughts on “So many pipes!”

  1. Hi Miriam-
    Can you explain in step one when you superimposed the layers? i find that kind of thing is difficult for the students…can you break down the steps you used to superimpose?
    Thanks…as always your lessons are inspirational!

    • Hi Alice! unfortunately don’t have pictures of my pupils drawing the pipes with pencil (first step). They used a ruler and drew the first tube (two parallel lines). The second one has to pass below the first, so, you use the ruler ad draw the tube in a different direction, interrupting the lines when you meet the first tube, and continuing in the same direction. It’s easier to do it as to write the process…. The same with the third and fourth pipe. For the angles you have to draw it and then draw the junction. Let me know if you need some pictures, I could do some for you and post them


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