Collage inspired by Guernica

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With students of the eighth grade we studied cubism and its main exponents. He could not miss the most famous work by Picasso, Guernica, reminiscent of the bombing of the Spanish city in 1937, and has become a symbol against the atrocities of all wars.
That is the task given to the students for this design in mixed media inspired by Guernica:
1. Preparation of the background with a collage of newspaper articles (only parts written in black and white without colored photographs)
2. at least 4 charcoal drawings on white sheets with details inspired by Guernica
3. Cut out the drawings and paste them to the background collage in a free composition.
4. complete the scene adding drawings blacks and grays on the collage background
5. choose a small detail and color it with a primary color (yellow, red or blue), to give a touch of color to the picture.










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Silhouette on tonal gradations

A “tunnel” in tonal gradation


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