New section: A post for you!

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Little square paintings, grade 5°, Sabrina Ubaldi, Trento Italy

Every day I receive emails and comments from other teachers, students, parents and professionals in the field of art education, about new techniques and educational methods, new ideas for lessons and experiments. Some teacher sent me pictures of extraordinary creations made with class, even started from an idea taken from arteascuola, and then revised, changed and renewed. I find that these brilliant and extremely original creations have to be shared, and made available to teachers, parents, associations, and students, in order to continue to develop new creative processes! “From one thing comes a another thing,” said the great artist and designer Bruno Munari, and therefore from idea comes idea.

Anyone who has made something new and original, an effective lesson, an activity where the students had fun and have experienced the joy of the creative spirit, is ready for the new section of arteascuola: “A post for you!”

Get in touch with me: please send me the pictures that you would like to publish to the mail address You can add some indication of how it was done the job, perhaps with photographs “step by step”. Would be great if you write the name of the school and the teachers involved and the age or grade of children: Arteascuola will dedicate you a post, to share your work with teachers from around the world!

4 season trees by St. B. Scholl – Toronto
4 season tree St. B School toronto

Paper necklaces by Alessandra Tombesi, Florence, Italy
Collane di carta ale tombesi

Hippy vans, by Hayley Tammara, Fort Lauderdalr, FL USA. The pic is in age order: 5, 9 and 39
hayley Tammara 5939

Silvio’s place card,  Martina Ferrero, Valdagno (Vicenza) Italy
martina ferrero e silvio

Texture bicycle, Romina Morresi students, grade 6°, Collemarino (Ancona)
Romina Morresi Scuola media a.volta

Klimt by Kaja’s students, Tallinn School No 21, Estonia
Kaja from Tallin


Hippie Van in sgraffito technique

Our silhouette in zentangle style


4 thoughts on “New section: A post for you!”

  1. Ottima idea Miriam… credo proprio che parteciperò visto che finalmente ho ripreso a lavorare. Ho già pronta una bella lista dei tuoi lavori da proporre ai miei studenti. Spero di riuscire anche aggiornare il mio blog… ciao


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