4 printable worksheets about Gustav Klimt: second set

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The last 4 pdf printable worksheets with details of the drawings of famous works of Gustav Klimt, as “The Kiss” and “The Tree of Life”. You can propose to your students to colour them with pencils or felt tip pens, and complete them with pieces of gold paper in the style of Klimt. A useful art lesson for students of Primary and Secondary School.
In this lesson , as we shown in the previous post with the first set of worksheets, we have shadowed the faces, hands and body parts with a pencil, and the rest of the worksheets has been coloured and completed with collage.
Below are the details of the original works of Klimt.


samuel klimt


4 klimt2 2

elisa c. klim

4 klimt2

4 original klimt   

Here we have some drawings made from students of Tallinn School No 21, in Estonia. The art teacher is Kaja, she kindly sent me the pictures of they works where they used these worksheets. She has an interesting Art Blog named Kadariku Kunstitunnid, where you can find these works and many others. Thanks Kaja, your students are very talented!







Texture T-shirt

Pictures of a still life


5 thoughts on “4 printable worksheets about Gustav Klimt: second set”

    • Hi Kaja, your blog is amazing!! I’m very happy that my template are useful and, of course, your students are very talented! Could I post one or two of your picture as a sample, with your name and the link of your Blog? Just to show another experience of how you can use the worksheets. Keep in touch, you are doing very interesting works! Thanks 🙂

  1. Hi and you right, my name is Kaja.:) I’m from little country called Estonia. Our capital city is Tallinn. My school is Tallinn School No 21.


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