Terracotta Army printed with foam

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Still about China, what better way to reproduce the huge Terracotta Army of  Xi’an, except through a printing technique? We used the most simple and cheap:
– foam engraved with a sharp pencil
– acrylic paint applied with a flat brush
– printing on colored card with hand pressure
Every student could prepare one soldier and print it 5-6 times.. so your Army shall be massive!

engrave with a sharp pencil
cut the soldier
paint with acrylic colour on the matrix
print on a cardboard wit gently hand pressure
be careful to put pressure on the whole figure
use different type of cardboards
here is our Army!

A Face Collage

A special guitar


21 thoughts on “Terracotta Army printed with foam”

  1. Lovely job Miriam! These also remind me of brass rubbings, with the metallic images on black paper, and all of the detail. Did you have trouble with the acrylic paint drying before the entire image was ready to print?

  2. Hi Renèe! The image is around 16 cm height, so, if you use acrylic paint no too dry will be ok! The better way is to use a big flat paintbrush (bigger than in my sample), so you can cover the surface quickly and print it at once… try!tell me about your result!

  3. I saw your post about terracotta army and grid project last October… I remember that! I thought about printing just to do a massive army on the wall with lots of soldiers… as great as in Xi'an! Thank for your post!

  4. What type of foam did you use? Is this done with craft fun foam sheets? Could you use styrofoam plates or meat trays?


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