Modigliani style with oil pastels

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Modigliani’s portraits are so characteristic that it is easy to copy them! Here is a simple technique with pencil, oil pastels and baby oil to imitate the unmistakable style of this artist. 

We can start to copy the contours of the figure 
with a pencil, simplifying the lines and shapes. 

Modigliani’s Works of art
Then we color the entire surface with a single oil pastel colour, 
preferably pale, that will be the bottom of our drawing.
Thereafter we color the shapes with just few colors, overlaying the 
color on the colored background. We can also mix the colors!


Then we apply the baby oil on the surface with a soft 
paintbrush, to smooth the colors and mix them together. 
Eventually we redraw the lines with a pencil to make the lines sharper.


Here are our Modigliani!




Visiting Bath

Colored Bulbs


19 thoughts on “Modigliani style with oil pastels”

  1. Ciao Martina!!! Sì, sono anche facili da fare perchè i colori si possono “ pasticciare”, poi con il baby oil si possono mettere a posto eventuali difetti e ammorbidire il segno e alla fine con la matita si dà il tocco finale con un segno incisivo che riprende quello di modigliani. Se li realizzi con le seconde fammeli vedere!! Ciao prof, e sempre buon lavoro! Salutami tutti!

    • Hi Kelly! I’m curious to see your students’ work! Of course it will dry, but the time depend on how much oil they used on the drawing. Wait some days and if the drawing will be too oiled, you could try drying it with a tissue, but I think in some days it will dry 🙂


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