Ancient portrait with mixed media

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This portrait of the King Henry VIII was copied from the original picture with a pencil on a white sheet, then it was colored and completed with mixed media using acrylic paint, colored pencils, collage by magazine pages. It framed in a corrugated cardboard frame, colored with acrylic colours. 

draw your character with a pencil and color the face with colored pencils
paint the background with acrylic colors
paint other largest areas with acrylics
cut some similar colors from magazine’s pages
use collage from the most precious parts (gold, metal, jewelery…)
the armor is filled with iron-silver-grey textures
draw the frame on a corrugate cardboard
paint the frame with acrylic colors, mixing yellow and ocher
the frame is ready!
paste the drawing on a corrugate cardboard
here our ancient portrait!


Today in Bristol

Inspired by the Kandinsky’s landscapes


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