A simple Pop-Up that is possible to make with children: the “Jazz band” is a stair cut from an old score, you just follow the instructions drawn on the sheet of squared paper, and glue some black silhouette (musicians, dancers, singers…) to have your personal concert!
Davvero bello, il tuo blog offre molti spunti e non solo a chi, come te insegna arte nelle scuole, ma anche alle mamme alle prese con la creatività coi propri bimbi e ragazzi. Molto bello anche il video di Paolo, lo farò vedere al mio bambino di 8 anni. grazie per condividere tanto lavoro e tanta bellezza (di cui tutti necessitano!) …buon lavoro Miriam!
Grazie per il tuo commento! In effetti attualmente non sto insegnando e mi ritrovo a fare un sacco di cose a casa da “sperimentare” sui miei figli, intanto sto confrontandomi con il sistema educativo inglese che dà moltissimo spazio alle attività pratiche e creative, secondo il concetto “learning is experience…”.Per la bellezza poi non si lavora mai abbastanza… ma ci proviamo no?
Sempre fantastici i tuoi lavori. Un abbraccione dall'Italia.
Can you share how you created this?
hi Ms. C! You can follow the instructions in the pictures. If you draw the stairs on a squared paper you just paste it on a cardboard ( a page of an old book or an old score) and cut just the BLACK lines. You fold externally the REd lines and fold internally the GREEN lines. Then you can glue every kind of shilouette… don’t have problem to ask me if you have other questions!
I just made one for my son’s valentine
I printed the musicians on white paper rectangle. I used real music & black paper like yours….I did not do the step part. I cut Have a jazzy valentines day in black letters on my cameo. It is awesome.
my son loves jazz

HI Linda! Wow! Amazing idea! If you took a picture of the pop-up, you can send me it to patermir@gmail.com … I’m curious! Happy Valentine to you as well and thanks for your comment!
Hi Miriam
I just sent you mine in an email that you sent.
make sure you get it because i did try to send it on different days & it would not send. MY son loved his. your card was awesome

I love this card. Is there a template for the background?
This will be perfect for my art journal.
HI Sharon! I don’t have a proper template for the background, but you can copyist on a squared sheet: do you see the second pictures? The green lines are internal crease, the red ones are external crease, the black lines are cuts. If you copy it on a squared sheet then you can paste it on a cardboard or a score sheet, and follow the instructions about cuts and creases. ask me any other question, I’ll be happy to help you for your art journal!
I made this card by hand in Jan. I later see that this type of step card does have a pattern in the Sillhouette store so you can cut it with your cameo
Love your card. Wondering where you found the musician cut-outs.
Hi Martina! I found in internet, actually i don’t remember where, but you could search “musician silhouette”
I did not find jazz musicians at the silhouette store that I liked or they did not have so I found mine by doing a google search. Google has a image search & tons of stuff always comes up when I search. I searched for jazz band clip art. lots came up
You can use clip art on your cameo but I just cut mine out by hand. They have lots of free clip art out there
Miriam could you please provide the dimensions of the black card stock sheet and the music sheet
Also is the music sheet also card stock or a lighter weight? Also does the card fold and fit in an envelope and if so what size. Thank you very much.
Hi B.neary
The size of black cardboard is standard A4 (21cmx29,7cm), the size of the music sheet is a bit smaller, but depend on the book’s size where you take it from. The envelope could be A5, because the card should be an A4 size folded in half. Let me know if you need any further information.
Thank you Miriam. I think your creativity is brilliant. In the U.S.A the sheet music is printed on very light paper which won’t hold the pop out stairs. Our cardstock paper runs from approx 50lbs to 130lbs. So I was wondering what you would recommend as far as the weight for both the black sheet and the music sheet such that the music sheet will function properly yet still be manageable to cut in quantity. I can have the music sheet scanned on to any weight paper. Thanks for your help. I’m hoping to make 100 invitations to showcase a young musician for an intimate small venue/in home concert.
Hi Robert! I took this music sheet from an old book which I’ve found in a second hand books market in Bristol. The paper is quite heavy, but, as you say, you can scan and print the paper on a heavier cardboard, or you could also paste the music sheet on a cardboard. Your solution is the best one I think. I wish I could be there at your home concert, it would be very nice!! If you send me a picture of your invitation, I’ll be pleased to publish it below this post. Thanks for your suggestions!
Hi Miriam, would love to make this for my father in laws 80th birthday, where do I get the jazz players from
I downloaded the silhouette from internet, I sent the picture you via e-mail. Happy birthday to your father in law!
I made a version for my son saying have a jazzy birthday
I did not do the step. I used jazz clip art which I found online. I think I saw this in the silhouette store after I made mine. my son loved it
he loves jazz 
Hi! Could I please have the exact measurements for A and B?
Hi N
A is 3,5 cm B is 1,5 cm
I know this is years later but I’ve only just found this item and I have musian dies so could you tell me all the dimensions please