Leaves printed with bleach

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These days I’m visiting the Art Department of Sir Thomas Picton Schoolin Haverfordwest and I’m learning a lot of useful techniques,  lessons, systems and creations from the art teachers Ms. Diana Brook and Mr. Lee Phillips.  I took some photographs of the work of Zoe Bevans, a student of Year10. I liked her idea to do print of leaves with bleach on black ink, the effect is very interesting!

In questi giorni sto assistendo ad alcune lezioni di educazione artistica presso la Scuola Secondaria “Sir Thomas Picton” di Haverfordwest dove attualmente vivo. Trovo molto interessante confrontarmi con metodologie, tecniche e sistemi di insegnamento diversi da quelli italiani. Per prima cosa devo confermare che la creatività è molto valorizzata nelle scuole del Regno Unito dove “Learning is experience” (vi consiglio il blog Mens Sana dove si elencano le 9 competenze necessarie ai nostri ragazzi per affrontare il futuro…). Le prossime settimane seguirò altre lezioni e di sicuro avrò modo di approfondire il discorso!
Questa tecnica è semplicissima, le foglie vengono pennellate con candeggina e pressate su un fondo di inchiostro nero.

Tempera landscapes

Landscapes inspired by Egon Schiele


29 thoughts on “Leaves printed with bleach”

  1. Effetto particolare con una tecnica semplice!Sono ancora più interessata rispetto alla didattica nel Regno Unito.Tank for sharing your "experiences" :)francep.s.: ricevuta la mail?

  2. Hi Miriam….the black ..is that acrylic paint or printing ink? ANd must the ink/paint be dry before you place the bleached leaf down? thanks ..love you posts

  3. Miriam I have just seen your post in May saying it was black ink! Sorry…but is it primting ink like you would use in lino prints, or acrylic /writing ink and would this work with acrylic paints?

  4. Hi! The ink that we used is the black indian ink (for example “winsor & newton” ink), The one you usually use for fountain pens (have a look at my post http://arteascuola-miriampaternoster.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/written-with-rainbow.html )The ink is still liquid: you apply the liquid ink with a brush and you can immediately use the bleach on it (sorry for my english, perhaps it’s not correct!)if you have any other question please, tell me!Thanks

  5. Hi!! Thank for your comment! I'm very happy to share my ideas with other teachers! If you have a blog tell me, so I can follow your student's works and Your work!! I'm a middle school teacher too, I know how is difficult to work with teenagers!!! Keep in touch

  6. Hello, Miriam. Would you please tell me what it is you are printing on…? It doesn’t look like paper. Thank you!

  7. This is very neat and I will definitely try this out. What kind of paper do you recommend using? Would a a heavy water color paper work?

    • Hi April! I think a heavy water color paper or a paper for acrylic painting should work very well. In the project we used white cardboard thick and smooth

  8. Hi Miriam, I am so impressed by your incredibly creative projects and the standard of work you achieve. I tried the Ming vase one with my class and it worked brilliantly. Can I just ask – are the years British year groups e.g. Year 3 = age 7-8, Year 4 =8-9, Year 5 AGE 9-10 ETC?
    Many thanks, Jo

    • Hi Jo, thanks for your comment! Yes, the years British year group are the same. I made the ming vases with children 11 years old (year 6)

    • Hi Cat! It’s not necessary to wait until the ink is dry, the process is quite immediate: you put the ink on the cardboard, and print the leaf with bleach on it. Perhaps if you wait too much the bleach has not the same effect. Actually I didn’t try on the dry ink… 😉

  9. Hi can you use acrylic paint or link printing ink, instead of Indian ink. Or if not whereabouts can I get this ink from if I live in the U.K.

    • I think the color depend on the quality of the ink, and perhaphs it needs a sort of pure bleach. We used indian ink but I don’t remember the brand, sorry… I think you should try with another kind of ink or bleach.

  10. Hi Miriam, have you ever tried this process on felt, or do you have any information on that? Thanks. I love this project.

    • Thanks for your suggestion Kim, it is precious! I worked in that School in Bristol and we used ink from large jars without brand on it. Teachers told me that was Indian ink but I realized that not every kind of ink is suitable for the reaction with bleach. Finally your suggestion help us to understand which ink is the best!
      It is the QUINK ink from Parker Pen Company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quink


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