Big collage landscape

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Every student painted 5 different texture with tempera colours: grass, rocks, sky,water and wood.
We cut the sheets and composed two big mountain landscapes with all cuttings of painted texture (70cmx50cm). This is a teamwork of 7th grade pupils.

Every student cut the texture in little strings and pieces with different shapes. After that they worked in a group of 10 on a big landscape copied from a mountain postcard. The lines and the colours have been stylized on a cardboard 70cmx50, and the pieces of paper with texture have been sticked following the outlines. 


Pembrokeshire landscapes

Print and stencil decorations on cotton fabric


13 thoughts on “Big collage landscape”

    • This is a group project, every student created his own painted textures of sky, wood, grass, rocks, and then we cut the textures and paste all together on the big landscape

  1. Every student created a sheet with different texture, then they cut the texture in little strings and pieces with different shapes. After that they worked in a group of 10 on a big landscape copied from a mountain postcard. The lines and the colours have been stylized on a cardboard 70cmx50, and the pieces of paper with texture have been sticked following the outlines.

  2. Ciao Miriam….stavo cercando ispirazione per un lavoro e….mi sono casualmente imbattuto nel tuo blog e, di conseguenza, di Claudia.Che dire! è stato un tuffo al cuore. Un po' di tempo è passato.Complimenti! Un affettuoso saluto Luca Sighel (

  3. che dire… i lavori che fai in classe sono sempre fantastici, questo l'ho proposto proprio oggi ai ragazzi dei laboratori di prima. Ho cambiato però il tema, ho scelto la città (tipo skyline di New York). Vedremo cosa salta fuori!!! ciao

  4. Hi Miriam Wonderful project! I just have a couple of questions I hope you will answer. Did the students put the outline of the mountain landscape on the cardboard or was that prepared by you beforehand? When you say the students cut up the paintings of texture into little string shapes, did you give them any more detailed instructions? Any shape okay? Did the size of the shapes relate to the areas that needed to be covered. Any other advice you can give me about students working in groups on one project I would appreciate Thank you!

    • Hi Amanda
      I wish I had taken more pictures of the project, but these are all images I have. The collage is 70x50cm and I prepared the main outlines beforehand. I copied the landscapes from a picture, and the students can copy the main colors from the picture. I drew with a pencils the main lines: mountains, shadows on the mountains, wood, houses, hills and lake for the second collage. The shape of strings were cut out freely, avoiding too geometrical shapes with straight edges, the shapes are as little clouds. When students pasted the stripes on the collage, they have to follow the main outlines of the drawing, even overlapping the stripes and cutting them on the edge. I think the most important instruction is to fill one area with similar colors: eg. the mountains have light gray areas for the rocks and dark gray areas for the shadows. Please, ask me any further information you need.


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