I publish here the interesting work of Ilaria Cagno, an Italian art teacher who had the idea to decorate the masks we wear every day since we need to protect ourselves from Covid-19. She created these drawings with the 7th-grade students of middle school Istituto Comprensivo “Dellequattrovalli” di Monastero Bormida e Vesime (provincia di ASTI – PIEMONTE).
She shares with us also the template of the mask created for her students. Thanks, Ilaria for sharing your work!

Here we are her explanation of the activity: we start reflecting on this strange time and the necessity to wear always the mask, we realized that this item has become essential. It follow the fashion trend as belts, bags, or shoes. We discussed about our favorite tastes and passions and every student designed their personal mask, coloring the template with markers and colored pencils.