With a small number of students, we realized a scenography for a real stage show. It was a challenge to deal with a real task: we had to juggle the time schedule, budget, space, delivery date and demands of customers. We worked with two amazing directors Jacopo Laurino ed Elena Galvani of Stradanova Slow Theatre. The play was the “Marcovaldo” by Italo Calvino.
For this play we worked on two different projects: first we had to create scenery flats, and second, we needed to realize some stop-motion videos you can find HERE.
In this post, we speak about scenery designs and how we made them. First of all, we discussed the subject of the play and the message we’d like to convey. Before we created some sketches. We decided to create high stripes of fabric (1mt x 5mt) painting them with monochromatic colors, in a scale of grays. We were interested in showing a seedy cityscape, featureless and polluted. For this reason, we have chosen a value scale of grays.
Here below you can see the sketches, the scenery, and some show’s pictures.