Moving figures inspired by Futurism

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After studying the avant-garde movement of Futurism, in the classes of Grade 9 we decided to reproduce the movement of a figure using the method of overlapping sequences and force lines used by the Futurists in their works. Using a manikin of paperboard we have drawn on a white sheet, some moving figures with colored felt-tip pens. Then we added the force lines around the figure to emphasize movement, and with a brush and water we dilute the color of the markers. The watercolor effect of the colors has given further dynamism to the design.

You can buy the worksheet by clicking the picture below









Mixed media portraits by Picasso

Cool landscape


13 thoughts on “Moving figures inspired by Futurism”

  1. Miriam, I read your blog through my feedly account and without fail, every time I see an absolutely beautiful and inspiring project I zoom back up to see where it comes from and it is your name I see. You are so very talented and your students are so very blessed to have you as their teacher!

  2. molto interessanti tutti i lavori proposti dal sito, che ho scoperto da poco. Sono una insegnante di arte e immagine di Torino e trovo lodevole la vostra iniziativa. Continuate così!

  3. I plan to use this for a lesson in motion with 6th graders. I also was thinking of using it as a template so that students could tell a story of a event in their lives. What are some other ways these figures could be used? Any suggestions?

    • Hi IA, actually you are suggesting me new ways, thank you! I used it in this lesson to paint some people doing sport or dancing s


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