An important exhibition in 2014 at the Tate Modern in London was dedicated to a giant of modern art Henri Matisse (Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs, 17 April – 7 September 2014). This exhibition explored the final chapter in his career in which he began ‘carving into colour’ and his series of spectacular cut-outs was born. We were inspired by Matisse cut-outs to create these collages following the same technique of his “gouaches découpès”
Matisse invented a systematic approach to the technique of his cut outs: first, his studio assistants brushed Linel gouaches on sheets of white paper. Once dry a stockpile of colored paper were available to Matisse at any given time. He often quite spontaneously cut out elements and placed them into compositions.
We used the same technique of Matisse, painting a lot of colored papers and cutting out the shapes directly with scissors. For the shape of the human body we copied a picture on the colored paper.
Love these, Miriam!!
It’s a pleasure to receive your comments! thank you Jeanne!
These are BEAUTIFUL! A collage project that is truly inspiring!
Thanks Jennifer! 🙂
These are gorgeous. What grade did them? did they draw their own figure or trace them?
Hi Steph! Thanks for your comment! These students are of Grade 9 ( 13 years old). They traced the figures, but the the aim was to stylize the figures and not only to trace the outline.
wow amazing
Thanks Videl! 🙂
Yes in my class we have done some of them!
I am just seven years old and I am french!
But really matisse is inteligente,the doctors should have learn from him.
Hi Videl! I’m glad to know you. I appreciate your email, thanks for your smart comment about Matisse!
I hope you can have fun with other lessons and artist! 😉
What type of paint did you use?
Hi Annetta. this is tempera painting , called also gouache. It’s a bit more liquid than acrylic paint and even Matisse used it for his collages. 🙂
This looks like fun! What type of glue did you use?
Hi Lynda. We used a normal stick glue 🙂
Do you think any elementary students could do this?