The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World … pop-up!

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An idea to present the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World is a  booklet pop-up where we can see them all together, as in a small theater sets. We need felt-tip pens, colored cardboards, ruler, scissors and glue. First we draw the 7 wonders on a white cardboard and then cut out. After we can paste the three largest images on one side of the booklet. After that turn the booklet over and cut four strips of different sizes (cut just the vertical lines!), to obtain the supports where you can paste the other images.

You can buy the template here below


Ceramic slab boxes

Murano glassware shelf


16 thoughts on “The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World … pop-up!”

  1. Sono meravigliosi questi biglietti!!!!! Una bellissima idea da condividere efficace l'idea diunire in un unico biglietto le 7 meraviglie …. i miei studenti della classe 2 stanno costruendo un piccolo libretto su gli artisti toscani del Rinasciemnto da Masaccio a Michelangelo ………… ma saranno in 2D!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buon lavoro ……. bravissimi!!!!!

  2. Ciao Patrizia! grazie come sempre dei tuoi commenti! L’idea era quella di meravigliare con le meraviglie… ed ecco allora il pop-up 3D… sicuramente efficace! Un saluto e buon lavoro a te e ai tuoi ragazzi!

  3. Did I just pay $3 for strips? Are you for real that this doesn’t include a template to color in? I’m disgusted. You say a template is below to purchase. For $3, I should not be getting strips that any person can measure and cut out.

    • I’m sorry for misunderstanding, the description didn’t mention the images of 7 wonders
      “In these printable worksheets from, you can find two simple template to print to create pop-up cards with 3 or 4 shapes that stand up when you open the card. Following the instructions and the suggestion you can find HERE, you can create a pop-up for a greeting card or for any other topic you need to show or celebrate. The file can be printed on a cardboard. You have to fold the cardboard in half, then you cut the cardboard along the dotted lines and you fold the stripes along the red and green lines in order to obtain some upright supports, where you can glue the objects for your pop-up card”
      if you need I can refund you, let me know


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