Murano glassware shelf

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Thinking about something decorative, colorful and transparent we thought of Murano glassware, to do an exercise with the primary and secondary colours. We made a drawing with pencils and permanent markers, which could imitate a shelf into a glass shop of the famous Venetian island. Then we painted the design with the three primary colours in watercolors, overlapping them in some areas, to get the secondary colours. The exercise is similar to the the previous post Colored Bulbs, just we changed the subject of the drawing!

The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World … pop-up!

Australian Coffee


22 thoughts on “Murano glassware shelf”

  1. Hi Miriam,
    I am planning to try this with my 4th graders, who are just coming off of a major figure sculpture unit and need something more pensive and calm. This fits the bill–beautiful results! One question–did u give the students tracers for the bottles or just images to look at? I have vases that they could use for reference as well…just wondered what you did.

    • Hi Lisa!
      I drew some bottle and vases of different shapes and sizes on a blackboard, so they have to copy them overlapping the drawings, but i told them to invent their own vases and bottles. Some bottles are decorated with lines and drawings. I think is a good idea to copy real vases as well! 🙂

  2. Thank you! Tracers are not my favorite–I will follow my gut and try to avoid them so the students are more inventive with their shapes. Thanks for the quick response–I loooove your blog!

    • Sorry for my bad English… I mean that they overlap the bottle’s drawings in order to mix the primary colors. I drew the bottle on the blackboard to gave them just an inspiration, then they invented their own bottles and vases drawing free shapes handfree. Although, they didn’t traced the shapes 🙂 I’m agree with you, of course is better if students are free to invent their shapes.
      Sometimes I would like to say something about a method, but I can’t find the right “technical” words… I do apologize!

  3. I loved the concept and idea behind these beautiful vases and bottles and did these with 3rd and 4th grades. I now see it tagged with 11 year olds and think that 4th & 5th grade may have been a better choice, third tended to be a bit sloppy on a 9×12 paper and watercolor paper is precious!! It would have also worked with white oak tag.

    I used the watercolor colored pencils and let them choose the 21st century primary colors -magenta, cyan, and yellow, or traditional red, blue, yellow. They created a symmetrical vase by folding 4×6 pieces of paper in half, drawing half a vase and cutting out then tracing. They made 3-4 vases/bottles each.
    Thank you for a great lesson!!

    • Thanks for sharing your experience Julie! I would like to see your students’ work, it should be amazing! Your suggestions about how to draw the vases are precious! 🙂


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