Facial expressions

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After the lesson about the face’s proportion, my students of 9th Grade have drawn facial expressions, copying  from each other expressions or comic’s characters.

I showed them this video and we discussed together how to reproduce the most common emotions, with the emphasis on eyebrows and the shape of mouth.


Collage Matisse’s style

Comics page


3 thoughts on “Facial expressions”

  1. Ciao Miriam, come va in galles?anche noi con i ragazzi delle terze in questi giorni stiamo rappresentando il viso. A breve pubblicherò i lavori. Interessante il video sulle espressioni facciali, lo userò quando faremo un lavoro sui ritratti dell'espressionismo. Grazie della segnalazione e complimenti per il restyling del blog. A presto.

  2. What a great lesson. I love everything you do. I bet you students had a blast doing this project. They are so lucky to have you for a teacher!Nic HahnMiniMatisse.blogspot.com


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