Photo contest “Barriers and limits”

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  Who is in the shop window?

The way for water
Two of my photographs have been selected for a photograph competition organized from an Italian Association that deals with disability. The subject was “Barriers, limitations” and here there are the 18 photographs to take part in the competition and in the exhibition in Scandicci (Florence), from 6 to 15 of January 2012.
Due mie fotografie sono state selezionate al “2°Concorso fotografico spingi la vita“, il cui tema è “Barriere, limiti”. Sono esposte in Piazza Piave 2, a Scandicci (Firenze) dal 6 al 15 gennaio. L’ultimo giorno verrà votata e premiata la foto vincitrice tra le 18 esposte che potete vedere nel sito

The brushstrokes of Van Gogh

Puppets with dancing legs


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