An interesting experience in using mixed media, has been tested in the classes of grade 8, where we have mixed so many different techniques in a single work. The first step was to paint some objects with acrylic paint, using tonal gradations learned in a previous lesson. Afterwards the objects of “still life” have been cut and pasted on a background collage made with newspaper sheets. The final touch was to add the shadows in charcoal.
Wonderful lesson! All the elements look great together!
Thanks Mary! This exercise is very effective, and students were very proud of it 🙂
Love how these work together! Fabulous!!
Thank you Julie! We can also think about different objects and compositions…
Ciao Miriam, Buon Anno!
Oggi ho preso spunto dalla tua idea: con gli studenti di seconda media stiamo preparando una natura morta con soli frutti sferici…quando terminiamo il collage ti invio le foto. THANKS to SHARE 🙂
ciao Elisa! aspetto le foto dei tuoi lavori!! 🙂
Eccoli! Il Lavoro è piaciuto molto, si capisce dai risultati!!
bellissimi! Complimenti ai tuoi ragazzi, è una splendida variante con frutta! Grazie!
Would this be appropriate for high school art 1??
Hi Diana! of course this would be appropriate of high school art, you can pain more objects or more complicate items… 🙂
I love this lesson
Thanks Nanna!! 🙂