Hall in one point perspective

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To understand the rules of the one point perspective awe created this work in mixed media. It’s a big hall, with a huge window overlooking a landscape, with some people looking out. With students of Grade 7th we studied both, one point and two points perspective, in order to complete our artistic path about the representation of space in art.

First we drew the perspective, following the geometric rules step by step. The most important rule is that all the lines of depth join in the vanishing point, while horizontal and vertical lines don’t change their slope.



Students chose two colors for the hall, using very saturated colors for the ceiling and the left wall, and less saturated colors for the floor and the right wall. In that way we simulate a source of light entering from the big window. Inside the window we paste a landscape, cut out from a magazine.




To draw the people inside the hall, we used some printed silhouettes, and traced them with a carbon paper on the drawing. We used figures of three different sizes, placing them at the bottom of the hall, in the middle or in the foreground, being careful to their size in order to realize a more realistic drawing. The silhouettes have been colored with a black marker, and eventually we have drawn the cast shadow under the figures.






















Village in warm & cool colors

Competition: a new logo for our School


4 thoughts on “Hall in one point perspective”

    • Not sure if I am posting correctly, but I think this assignment is wonderful, too, and would love to find the right size silhouettes. Would you be willing to share them or direct me as to where to find them online? Thanks!

    • Hi! In Italy our standard drawing sheets have the size of 33cm x 24cm . For this reason I usually can’t give specific measures, because the drawing sheets’ size we use around the world are often different. You have to fix the vanishing point, in this case it is not in the middle but slightly to the right on the horizon line. Let me know if you have the drawing sheet with the same size as mine, and I could give you all the measures.


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