primary school

I-cube: me in numbers

Can we introduce ourselves with numbers? We can do it on the 6 sides of a cube! We called this activity I-cube and we used … Read more

4 ways to draw with DOTS

We created these mixed media paintings with 6th grade students. We experienced that you can create very expressive images just using dots. The dot is … Read more

Artist Trading Cards 2016

Also this year students grade 8th took part to Artist Trading Cards Global Swap, together with students from all over the world. In 2015 we … Read more

ART graffiti style

We started our activity in the Grade 8th classes with these writings in graffiti style. Every student wrote the word ART, taking inspiration from this … Read more

Hearts in complementary colors

Complementary colors are fascinating because of their contrast: the powerful fight between two contrasting colors is made of light, brightness and energy. We proved it painting a … Read more