primary school

Symmetrical Robot: 3 worksheets

After the capitals and the insects we created the symmetrical  robots, drawing the strangest and most immaginative robots. To realize this drawing we first drew … Read more

Words in complementary colors

In order to better understand the complementary colors we created a drawing to paint with different shades of complementary colors. We chose a three-letters word … Read more

Shoe Design

After designing chairs, table lamps and wall clocks I had the idea of designing a shoe. With my students of 8th Grade I had a … Read more

Shoe Design: 2 worksheets

Two printable worksheets ready to be completed with a design of two different kind of shoes. The template of a décolleté and of a trainer … Read more

Cats on the fence

Here we have an idea to try and use the primary colours and the neutral colours with tempera paint. First we draw the fence (high … Read more

Romanesque pop-up Cathedral

A new and interesting idea from the art teacher Giovanni Perdicchia, who has already published on this website an activity about art works and photography. These … Read more