
Rolled zentangles!

With students of grade 8 we are still working on lights and shadows and gradations. We drew these Zentangles as ancient parchments rolled, using fantasy … Read more

Tangles shaded

To continue our work about gradients, with the students of grade 8, we have created this drawing of entwined ribbons. The drawing is made in … Read more

Bicycle textured

The students of Year 6th have decorated with textures some drawing details of a bicycle. Everyone chose a detail and colored each area with colored … Read more

Texture for a folder

With pupils of the Year 7th we began to explore the world of graphic textures: how many signs, decorations, patterns can we invent with some … Read more

My name in a disc

Every year at school we have to learn new names and new faces, so, the new pupils in the Year 7 have drawn their names … Read more

A Face Collage

How many colors, patterns, textures, shapes, objects you can find in a magazine? It’s an inexhaustible source of ideas to create whatever you want! We thought … Read more

A cup of fantasy!

Funny cups painted with tempera!  This is a good exercise to learn how many textures you can paint with tempera colours, and how many ways … Read more

I wonder what will appear…

Thoughtful hat This short exercise (the lenght of it is around 10 minutes) reveals so many peculiarity of the character and the disposition of every … Read more