primary school

Drawing about me

The Art lessons for this school year in the 6th Grade classes, follow the CLIL methodology (Content and Language Integrated Learning). To start I devised … Read more

Drawing about me: 2 worksheets

The Art lessons for this school year in the 6th Grade classes, follow the CLIL methodology (Content and Language Integrated Learning). To start I devised … Read more

Restore ancient Greek vases

Before being a teacher I worked as a restorer in many Italian cities and I completed my restoration study at the National School of Restoration … Read more

Marbles in Mixed Media

With students of 7th grade we worked on the realistic representation of space in art. In this mixed media work, we colored the marbles with … Read more

Funny Boots : painting textures

With tempera or acrylic painting we can create different patterns, using different kind of paintbrushes and colors. After painting the moka pots, the cups, the … Read more