interdisciplinary project

Create a Fantasy Character

Starting from the analysis of the human figure and its proportions, we created and drew a fantasy character. The idea came from a work about … Read more

Illustrate a story

  From a project in collaboration with the Italian teacher, with a 7th grade class, we attended a competition, by creating a story with the … Read more

Fanciful mushrooms!

With the 6th grade classes, we have collaborated on a science project on knowledge of fungi. In science lessons pupils have studied the characteristics of … Read more

Haiku in colors

The Japanese Haiku is a short poem of only three verses that contains a fixed metric structure: the thoughts and images that flow through the … Read more

Folder for herbarium

For the Science project the pupils of 7th grade created a folder to collect herbs, with cardboard, wrapping paper, leaves, paper, crayons and colored ribbons.