
15 Christmas Templates

15 different silhouettes of Christmas decorations in 3 printable pdf worksheets. You can decorate the  templates in different ways, with colored patterns, zentangle, or use … Read more

Symmetrical Robot: 3 worksheets

After the capitals and the insects we created the symmetrical  robots, drawing the strangest and most immaginative robots. To realize this drawing we first drew … Read more

Shoe Design

After designing chairs, table lamps and wall clocks I had the idea of designing a shoe. With my students of 8th Grade I had a … Read more

Shoe Design: 2 worksheets

Two printable worksheets ready to be completed with a design of two different kind of shoes. The template of a décolleté and of a trainer … Read more

Restore ancient Greek vases

Before being a teacher I worked as a restorer in many Italian cities and I completed my restoration study at the National School of Restoration … Read more

Contemporary Romanticism

Romanticism is always a fascinating art period for students: the artistic creation engages overwhelming passions, strong feelings and emotions. For these reasons teenager students are … Read more

I-cube: me in numbers

Can we introduce ourselves with numbers? We can do it on the 6 sides of a cube! We called this activity I-cube and we used … Read more