
Tangles shaded

To continue our work about gradients, with the students of grade 8, we have created this drawing of entwined ribbons. The drawing is made in … Read more

Inspired by Caspar David Friedrich

Giulia D. With students of grade9 (classi terze) we studied the Romantic Painters of 19th-Century, like Turner, Delacroix, Gericault and Friedrich. After the Romanticism lesson … Read more

Face proportions

Stelina K. Following the proportions in the figure below and my instructions on the blackboard, every student drew his own character! They didn’t copy a … Read more

Striped bottles and vases

michela l. Another exercise in light and shade for classes 2 (grade 7-8), made with colored pencils. When the bottles and jars are colorful, they are … Read more

Three ways to shade

Students in the grade7 (classe 2B) have tried three different types of shading with a pencil: 1) HATCHING: with different pressure of the pencil, 2) … Read more

Flags with lights and shadows

Another exercise to practice the right position of lights and shadows, with a  sideward source of light. We used the same technique of our previous … Read more

Still life with oil pastels

A simple exercise to learn lights, shadow and colour shades. You draw some shapes like bottles, spheres, cups, cylinders and then you colour them with … Read more