paper cut

The paper necklaces

My friend Alessandra Tombesi suggested to me this work that she has created for the market of the school and that was very much appreciated. … Read more

Little “Bohème” Pop-up

Un po’ più complessa della precedente “Jazz Band” è la realizzazione di questa piccola “Opera” che ho costruito per far vedere a mia figlia i … Read more

Jazz band Pop-Up

A simple Pop-Up that is possible to make with children: the “Jazz band” is a stair cut from an  old score, you just follow the … Read more

Tissue-paper window

Inspired to stained-glass windows, my son created this work to represent a St. David’s life episode. He drew a very simple and stylized scene, with … Read more

Pop-up castle

An idea for a pop-up castle! You just need some cardboards of different colors, and follow the instructions:  you must fold the dashed lines and … Read more

Collage Matisse’s style

Inspired to Matisse’s collage, the students of 9th grade realized this collage starting from a magazine picture of  any whole figure. This figure has been … Read more