
My name is Miriam Paternoster.

My name is Miriam Paternoster. I was born and raised in a small village of North Italy. My Secondary School education specialized in Art and Decoration and my graduation was in Academy of Fine Arts of Venice.

I then specialised in restoration at the National School of Restoration “Opificio delle Pietre Dure” in Florence, and I worked in many Italian cities.

I left Italy with my three children to accompany my husband, a general surgeon, for his volunteer work with “Doctors with Africa Cuamm” in Ethiopia and in Tanzania for four years.

Later I worked as Art Teacher at Middle School in Italy and since 2011 I have lived with my family in London, Wales and Bristol, where my husband was working. I’m working in Italy now, at the Middle School of Mezzolombardo.

Since 2008 I worked on my blog to share, swap and explore lessons, educational systems, techniques and creations in other classrooms around the world.

My works

>> All my works

62 thoughts on “About”

    • Hi Christine! Nice to meet you! I’m always happy to share my works especially in different Educational Systems. Please, give me the link of your web site, when it will be ready, so I can see your works in Massachusetts! See you soon!

      • Hi There! Thank you for your blog and helpful tips. I’m a new Middle School Art Teacher in Florida at a brand new school and curriculum. Next year we are planning to have a sculpture/pottery curriculum that I have to plan and learn how to do myself. Do you know of anywhere I can learn how to set up this program for my school (books, curriculum etc.)

        Thank you!

        • Hi Jocelyn! I had a course before start teaching sculpture and pottery, but I found so many interesting tutorial and “how to do” online. Of course I had to try how to do myself before starting in the class, but You can find so many ideas and experience on line, even very simple just to start. Do you know Pinterest? It collects thousand of web site and tutorial about everything, if you are looking for “clay” or “ceramic” you can find a ton of inspiration. I can invite you on Pinterest if you like 🙂

  1. Ciao Miriam!

    My name is Vanessa and I am a grade 7 teacher in Toronto,Canada. I came across your blog by accident and I am glad that I did. Your ideas are so great and I have tried a couple of the activities in my classroom. We usually do art on a Friday afternoon before the weekend, the kids really enjoy it. My next art project will be the Moka art! I am the daughter of Italian immigrants and it’s always so nice to see what Italian teacher or those who teach abroad do in their classes. I always look forward to your next post.

    Tanti Saluti!

    • Thank you Vanessa! I’m very glad to read your post and to know that you are realizing my ideas with your students! We keep in touch!
      Tanti saluti a te cara 😉

  2. I am so happy to have found your beautiful blog! My students are in the second grade but I will try to modify at least one of your students’ beautiful art projects.

    My hubby’s family is from Northern Liguria…up in Orero!

    Thank you for sharing ideas!

  3. Ciao Miriam, finalmente ho un pò di tempo da dedicare ai miei “compagni d’avventura” …. bellissimo il tuo nuovo sito ed ottime le tue proposte … appena esco dall’atmosfera natalizia – in toscana abbiamo la tradizione dei tortellini fatti a mano da degustare il giorno di natale – vorrei condividere alcune idee … per adesso tanti auguri di buon natale e felice anno nuovo!!! Patrizia

  4. You are so Cool! Like you are totally the most amazing art teacher I have ever known in my life and this website is absolutely perfect. I hope I become somewhat of as a great teacher as you are in the future!!!! Thanks so much for this website for I have been truly inspired

    -Art Student in VA =)

    • Thanks for your comment Amber, you have brightened my day! I hope you can follow your wish and for sure you’ll become a great and enthusiastic teacher! I’m really happy to meet you online : keep in touch and tell me your progress 😉

    • Hi Nic! I hope all the best for you! Thanks for you comment, I’m always following your minimatisse… You have been my first inspiration for this blog, do you remember? Thanks even for the sweet things you wrote for the nomination, I’m touched! See you soon on line! 🙂

  5. Hi Miriam!

    I am new to teaching middle school and love your lessons!!! I often refer back to your blog for new ideas and have used a couple of yours already!! You, and your students, are so talented. It is absolutely wonderful to see someone teaching who is as passionate as you are!

    Love your blog…teach on:)

    Rachel in VA, USA

  6. Ciao Miriam,
    ho scoperto per caso il tuo blog e l’ho trovato interessantissimo!! Sei straordinaria a condividere le tue esperienze d’insegnamento con questa generosità. Lo apprezzo moltissimo.
    Io ho cominciato ad insegnare arte da due anni e mi sto ancora facendo il callo, sia nel comprendere le effettive capacità dei ragazzi a realizzare certi lavori, sia ad affinare le mie capacità comunicative e di interazione.
    Sono sicuro che le tue esperienze mi potranno tornare utilissime.
    Quando diventerò bravo anch’io (forse), se vorrai, potrò a mia volta condividere sul tuo blog e sul mio (che ancora non c’è) anche le mie di esperienze.

    • Ciao Carlo! E’ sempre una conquista per me trovare altri insegnanti italiani che hanno voglia di condividere e scambiare esperienze! Anche io sono una “novellina”, ho cominciato a insegnare solo nel 2008 e ho passato due anni in UK, quindi mi ritengo ancora inesperta! Ma so che la rete dà infinite opportunità di scambio e innumerevoli idee educative e creative e poi mi fa incontrare persone come te che condividono la passione per questo lavoro! Dove insegni? Fammi sapere come va e teniamoci in contatto, se fai qualche lavoro particolare puoi mandarmi le foto! Piacere di conoscerti Carlo, a presto!

  7. I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog via Pinterest! What a fantastic resource you’ve created! I will definitely be using many of your ideas 🙂

    • Hi Lesley! Nice to meet you! I’ve just ended a school year and I’m really satisfied! What a surprise to find your kind comment! Where are you from? Are you teaching in a middle school? we keep in touch :))

  8. I taught 2nd grade in Oklahoma (USA) for 5 years and always integrated art into my teaching. After my first son was born I “retired” from public school and when he was a year old I started teaching art classes out of my spare bedroom studio. So I am always on the lookout for great ideas!

  9. Hi Miriam,
    What a blessing your site has been to me! I will be teaching middle school art next year rather than the little ones, so when I saw your site, it was just the inspiration I needed to get me started with my planning for this fall. The time you’ve put into your site truly amazing! I am currently teaching in England, but originally from Mississippi, where my family and I are enjoying our summer with family and friends.
    May God bless you for your generosity & may you continue to inspire both children and educators!
    Thank you so for sharing.
    Karen G.

  10. Hi Miriam! You are perfect! I love your ideas! We have tried your lesson about Modigliani and children love it! I have told them that the idea is from one talented Italian art teacher:-) We are from Czech republic:o) Thank you for beautiful inspiration! Barbora.

    • Hi Barbora ! Nice to meet you! Wow! Thanks for sharing your experience! I’m so happy to share my ideas with other art teacher around the word! It’s the first time that somebody contacts me from your country and it’s amazing for me! Keep in touch Barbora! 🙂

  11. Hi, I love you web! I saw one of your works on pinterest and found it. I’m a preschool teacher…so many ideas for my kids!
    Best Regards from Costa Rica!

    • Hi Carol! I’m so proud to have followers from all the world! I think you are the first that write to me from Costa Rica. Thanks a lot for your comment! keep in touch 🙂

  12. Hi, Miriam. I am minhee in South Korea. I appreciated that you share the class ideas in the blog. I would like to use one of your ideas with my kids. Can this be ok? I will be definitely up-front that this is from your web site.

    • Hi Minhee! I’m glad to share the class idea with you! It’s the aim of my website, so for me to know that some of my ideas are realized in South Corea make me very happy! Thanks for sharing your experience! If you do something special I can dedicate a post to your works. I need just some pictures of your children’s works. Keep in touch Minhee! 😀

  13. Hello Miriam! I am a Lebanese graphic designer and now teaching art in France 🙂 Simply well done fantastic blog and thank you for sharing and inspiring us, TEACHERS! Your work has been traveling all over the world you should certainly be proud. Sharing your projects is helping many teachers and touching many student and it is kind of a therapy to them: teaches them to concentrate and focus, see life in a different perspective and simply get out of the box. Keep up the great work !!

    • Hi Caroline! How many amazing things did you tell me! I’m very proud, of course, to meet you through my websites and my ideas!Where are you teaching now? In which part of France? I’m so happy to share art lessons around the world!! Thanks Caroline. keep in touch! 🙂

  14. I was teaching English at a school in Paris last year and now I’m 20 min away in Saint Germain en Laye; teaching English and Art in an English Club for children 🙂 + using my graphic design skills for some projects. It is a nice mix I think a bit of everything all in one 😛

  15. I find your blog very inspiring. I am originally from the Czech Republic but I worked at Tate Gallery and consequently taught as qualifies secondary Art and Design teacher in London. Now I followed my German partner to Munich and had to re-qualify again, to teach Art in Bavaria. I am very interested in comparing Art teaching in different countries. Here is a link to my page if you are interested: http://cut-and-tear.com/gallery.html I am also on FB as Cut & Tear
    Best wishes,

    • Hi Kate! Nice to meet you on the web! You have a very interesting story, a lot of experience and tons of ideas. So, is a pleasure know your blog and your website. I would like to keep in touch with you. I’ll follow your pinterest and Facebook page! 🙂

  16. Hi Miriam, thanks so much for getting in touch! I just tried your monoprinting with my group of small kids and it was so much fun, thank you! The results are on my FB page together with a link to your blog. I will follow you back on Pinterest too. I am really happy to be connected with you!!! 😉 K

    • Hi Deb! Did you see it? I was on mountain for two months, and I didn’t answer you till now! I hope you had a nice Summer in Colorado. Are you still on holiday?

  17. Hi Miriam. I’m sharing a link to your blog post about Hidden Poems with my newsletter subscribers. Your work here is beautiful. I teach expressive writing and my readers will appreciate your video on how to create Hidden Poems, Blackout Poetry, etc. The problem is…I couldn’t figure out your name. :-/ Your about page doesn’t mention your name. Your About Me sidebar doesn’t mention your name. I only found your first name here in the comments after searching a bit. Lol. So, I hope it’s okay when I attribute your work to “The Italian Art Teacher named Miriam”. That has a nice ring! I’m happy to have found your blog. With, hugs, Iris Madelyn. writer. artist. believer. at CreateOtherwise.com.

    • Hi Iris! You are right! I’ve never noticed that my full name is not writer on the home page, neither on About page! Thanks for your comment, I really needed you! Anyway, I wrote my name that is MIRIAM PATERNOSTER! Thanks to you Iris! 🙂 keep in touch

  18. Hi There! I’m starting to teach a Digital Imaging class to High School students beginning with Gimp. I love the Gimp projects that you have done with your students. Did you happen to use lesson plans or a curriculum that I can locate. Thank you for posting and sharing!!

    • hi Jocelyn! I didn’t use a lesson plan or curriculum for my project with Gimp, I invented my own projects, those are different for every lesson. Perhaps I didn’t write good instructions, but if you are used to teach Gimp, you can easily find every step. My projects are quite simple, because I’m working in a middle school with 11-14 years-old pupils.
      Thanks for your comment! If you like to share one of your Gimp projects I can dedicate a post to you, to your students and your work. Write me on patermir@gmail.com 🙂

  19. Hello Miriam, I have just come accross your wonderful website full of brilliant ideas and felt compelled to say hello. I teach primary school age children in Edinburgh and I have just started an after school art club and I am enjoying researching lots of ideas!
    Thank you for sharing your work and projects. I am inspired by your ideas and plan to use more than a few of them!
    Thank you for sharing not only your ideas but also your story, it is nice to know a little about the person behind the blog 🙂

    • Hi Chloe! You brighten my day! Thanks for your comment, this is exactly the main purpose of my website: to spread my ideas, help and inspire other teachers around the world! Every time I receive a message like yours I feel I’m doing well. I’m always a bit worried for my English: I’m still studying to improve it and I make a lot of mistakes in the posts, but is very important for me to communicate with teachers like you, even if my English is not fully correct 😉 Have a nice day and Happy Art! <3

  20. Hi Miriam
    I love your website!! It is my first point of call when I’m looking for new ideas! I am a middle school art teacher in the UK. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas – I have tried many of them and they are always loved by pupils and staff! Don’t know where you find the time to teach all these brilliant lessons and write a blog! I’m hoping that Italian teachers have a better work/life balance than us here in England!
    Keep up the amazing work!

    • Hi pinkrockmax, thans for your comment! I’m very glad to be useful for your art lessons, where are in the UK? I lived in UK 2 years, in London, in Bristol and Haverfordwest (Wales). My family and I enjoyed a lot our time there! As you have said the web site requires a big effort and I’m finishing my energy now: at the end of the school year we are exhausted! 🙂

  21. Hi Miriam.
    I have just found you! I really love your website, your great ideas,… everything. I will practice many of them with my students! Thank you very much for sharing them with all of us.

  22. Miriam, I’ve come across your work before so I recognized it when I landed back here today-I’m thinking of starting an art and creativity blog–I’m an art teacher of elementary school students in Los Angeles, but also a practicing artist. I am researching blogs in the arts and seeing if this is a good niche or if I should focus more. How great you started yours back in 2008-that was a good move! Do you recommend it? Any tips? Thanks for being you-also I’m Italian on my mother’s side-I LOVED being able to take her to Italy and find our roots. Caio!

    • Ciao Jamia!
      Of course, you can start a blog, I started to post my students’ works and now my website is a reference for many art teachers in the world. My suggestion is: try and enjoy! It request effort, but you’ll have a lot of satisfaction
      All the best!

  23. Fantastic stuff. I’m an art teacher in Alberta, Canada. I am now retired but still teach classes through our local gallery. I’ll definitely be using some of your projects and ideas. Thank you so much for sharing!

  24. Can I use some of your handouts for an online workshop On Chiaroscuro I am developing. Happy to link to you and give you credit.


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