
Tangles shaded

To continue our work about gradients, with the students of grade 8, we have created this drawing of entwined ribbons. The drawing is made in … Read more

Lights and shadows sharp

With the students of grade 8 (classe seconda B) we worked on the lights and shadows in the photograph. With the tracing paper and colored … Read more

Flags with lights and shadows

Another exercise to practice the right position of lights and shadows, with a  sideward source of light. We used the same technique of our previous … Read more

Still life with oil pastels

A simple exercise to learn lights, shadow and colour shades. You draw some shapes like bottles, spheres, cups, cylinders and then you colour them with … Read more

Value exercise

I used simple cardboards, black and coloured, even sheets of coloured papers could be good. First, I drawn the scrolls on the coloured cardboards with … Read more

Pomegranates for a poster

A new competition is engaging the year 9 students that copy the image of the “pomegranate”. We have been asked to carry out the design … Read more

Little sketch in ink

Potete farlo anche voi in queste giornate di sole dove tutto invita a sedersi sull’erba e lasciare viaggiare lo sguardo e i pensieri: basta un … Read more

Bas-reliefs of Romanesque art

Color gradations reveal the mysterious and fantastic forms of medieval, mythical animals and monsters carved by the skilled hands of ancient sculptors. Students of Year … Read more

Still-life striped

with pupils of grade 8 we are experiencing different ways to create shadows, one of which is to get the nuances simply by varying the … Read more