
Happy Easter Cards!

An idea for Easter Cards by a wonderful teacher of Cherry Garden School, just to wish you all a happy Easter! Colored cardboards, painted with spring … Read more

Pop-up Colosseum

I thought about an ancient (or modern ) architecture realized in 3D with pop-up cardboard: was a challenge for me understand how to realize a … Read more

Easter Hat!

My son Davide won the “Easter Hat Competition” at his School with this original creation! Just using  cardboards, pencils or markers, scissor, glue and coloured tissue … Read more

Tissue-paper window

Inspired to stained-glass windows, my son created this work to represent a St. David’s life episode. He drew a very simple and stylized scene, with … Read more

Christmas cards

Here in the UK it is very common to exchange greeting cards for Christmas, and since each of my children has at least 25 classmates, … Read more

Stained glass of tissue paper

After observing the Gothic stained glass with the students of ‘8th grade we made the “stained glass windows” of tissue paper. We started the elaboration … Read more