
Illustrated poetry

With sixth grade students we did this interdisciplinary work in collaboration with the Italian teachers and with my art colleague Maria Noemi Demaio. First, the … Read more

Pinch pot ceramic bells

With the pinch pot technique we made these little ceramic bells, all with different shapes and sounds. The pinch pot technique allows you to make … Read more

Final Exams 2024

I publish the works created by students for their eighth grade exams. Starting from a central topic on which the oral exam was developed, each … Read more

Portraits: Women in Science

An interdisciplinary project with citizenship education and science, involved the 7th grade students in working on the digital processing of the portrait. First of all, … Read more

Murals for our School

Throughout the 2023-24 school year, students worked to create a large mural on the walls of our school. From this year we are organized into … Read more

Rainbow fish

To paint this rainbow fish we only used the primary colors as in the construction of the color wheel. First we drew a fish on … Read more