The first element of art is the line, all ART starts with lines and we can create lots of images with simple lines! In this activity students learn how to paint a background with solid colors and how to paint different kinds of lines with different paintbrushes. The paintings could be assembled in a collaborative project to obtain a coloured modular panel. This lesson plan helps students to recognize, remember and describe different kinds and directions of lines.
How to do this painting:
1.Write your name, surname and class on the back of your cardboard
2.Measure the cardboard following the teacher’s instructions
3.Draw the lines with a ruler and a black permanent marker
4.Choose 5 colors of tempera paints or acrylics and paint the areas with them
5.When the colours are dry paint the LINES using different paintbrushes and just 2 colours: BLACK and WHITE
6.Paint different kinds of lines. The lines can be:
Before the art activity we can propose a DICTATION OF LINES: students should listen to the teacher’s instruction and draw the lines described by the teacher on the notebook: eg “Draw a thick, straight, diagonal orange line”; “Draw two thin, parallel, violet lines”; “Draw a thick, dotted, green line” etc… At the end of the dictation students could write two or three adjectives below every line they have drawn.
At the end of the art activity we ask students to describe their paintings and write on their notebook some sentences about the work. We can use some frameworks, examples and glossaries:
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