Video Tutorial: Mixed Media Artist Trading Cards in 5 steps

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Here we have the video tutorial: How to create Mixed Media Artist Trading Cards in 5 easy steps:

1. Collage: front and back of the card are covered with a magazine page with written. After, you add small pictures cut from magazines. On the back of the card you affix a label with name, age and origin.
2. Painting: on the collage, on the front of the card, you paint with various colors, in a free way, leaving you be inspired by the images and colors of collage
3. Colored pencils and markers: on the tempera paints, once dry, you draw some textures, written or freeform
4. Stamps: you can add small graphic stamps on the colored surface
5. Collage with words: you add one or two words cut from magazines, to make sense , or give a title to Your small work of art. At this stage we let ourselves be inspired by the colors, the sensations, the images evoked, or from the words that you can come across by chance through a magazine, and you recognize assonances with our card.



Artist Trading Cards 2016

4 modi di disegnare con i PUNTI

